Why this project?
Easy Nanna.
BIG Turner fan!

Also the one who took me to see my first exhibitions at The National Gallery, Tate Britain, Hayward Gallery and the Royal Academy ... I recall (with a smile) awkward moments at a Dali exhibition in 1994 (I was only 15 and not ready to consider Dali's works with my Nanna), mesmerised in 1998 at age 18 by Bonnard's atmospheres, brush strokes and THAT colour palette! In my twenties Caravaggio left us both astounded and of course Tate's 'Turner, Whistler and Monet' was her favourite.
She told me that her parents honeymooned in Paignton and she hoped to come over one day to visit. By the time we moved, driving was in her past and then dementia took hold. She was always a champion for the arts and a pretty wonderful photographer in her own right. So - all in all I think she'd be pretty chuffed her granddaughter was embarking on on 'Picturesque Torbay' #torbayafterturner
If I were to paint you a picture
If I were to paint you a picture…..
If I were to paint you a Pop Art style piece it would burst with bold green Viscounts, reds & yellows of Tunnocks Caramel wafer bars & a huge Arsenal badge. There'd be a bottle of dry cider or ginger beer, pear drops in a tin and a Beryl Beavis birthday cake. Or maybe a Warhol-esque Queen Elizabeth II portrait or a Lancaster bomber with the DFC medal & Dam Busters scribed in Impact typeface emblazoned across the canvas.
If I were to paint a scene on water it would be a buzzing Dartmouth Regatta, the white cliffs of Dover or the burnt sienna coast of Budleigh Salterton. Maybe the seafarers mission in Felixstowe or I could channel Turner in a seascape oil of warm hues with the red ochre sails of a Thames Barge piercing the sunset sky.
If I were to follow the footsteps of Seurat or Lautrec I'd capture the Masquerade from the Phantom, the melodrama of Les Mis, the acrobatic Jellicle Cats or the Starlights on the stage in a painting just for you. Or maybe a Degas depiction with dancing sisters flinging themselves around your Regent Close living room to the album Abba Gold.
If I were to paint a figure it could be the silhouette of a Fiddler on the Roof, a portrait of Julie Andrews on the hills or on rooftops, Audrey Hepburn surrounded by flowers at the Covent Garden market. Or I could paint you, Nanna. You, poised with your SLR camera, taking time to set up the perfect shot in a National Trust estate. You in a London street, stood by a food cart, surrounded by the smokey haze as you offer coins in exchange for a paper bag full of roasted chestnuts.
If I were to create you a series inspired by Cezanne like his Card Players there'd be considered compositions with battles of Scrabble, Upwords, Solitaire & best of all....Othello! Or a still life of a lovingly laid dinner table with a hostess, napkin rings & an out of place yet perfectly understood copper kettle.
If I were to find a way to feature your friendships I'd take influence from Renoir & paint one of the Tab girls’ garden parties, Palmer's girls’ reunion, or a London lunch with girls from the bank. Maybe simply focus in on you and a friend in company, contemplation and conversation. It could be a display of female strength with Cassatt inspired sisters rolling up their sleeves ready for harvesting, or you, driving a tractor in Chedworth, wallpapering a wall or gently tending to the needs of a child in your care.
If I were to capture your love of nature I'd reflect on Monet & paint the waterlilies at Wateringbury or the spring blooms in your garden and the vegetable patch teaming with juicy red strawberries. All this overlooked by the oracle of an apple tree climbed by generations of cousins, siblings and sons.
If I were to paint you a picture.
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